Erg Responsibilities

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RESPONSIBILITIES: Represent the chapter in the human resources community. Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter. Provide monthly updates at the board of directors meetings. Attend all required monthly membership and board of directors meetings. ERG Data Files (English)English Numerical ERG2016English Alphabetical ERG2016English Guide Phrases ERG2016English TIHWR Table ERG2016.

Increasingly, the roles and responsibilities of employee resource groups (ERGs) in organizations must transition from social networks to think-tank type groups that directly impact the business. The changing face of America’s workforce demands it. It is an opportunity that will allow the voices of employees to be heard and the power of diverse thinking to influence the new ground-rules that will define the workplace of the future; its workforce, clients and consumers. Employee resource groups that serve only as social networks will do little to strengthen the voices and identities of those who must represent the leadership of America’s future.

Meet the spartans imdb. For ERGs to transition into think-tank type groups requires consistent participation, with active members that remain engaged to advance its mission to impact the business. In many companies, ERGs are being forced to redefine their “engagement model” in order to recruit and retain long-term volunteer participation that is purposeful and that rewards employees for their efforts – by helping them advance their careers, develop their leadership skills, and gain greater visibility with and access to senior executives so that they can get discovered.

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ERGs must become smarter about defining what they are ultimately trying to accomplish for themselves and the business, and then create a metric to enforce accountability to assure their objectives are being measured and attained. ERGs are only as effective as the overall commitment of their members and the incremental benefits they receive for their participation. ERGs must view themselves as a formidable advancement platform for talent and business development activity. They must be focused on defining a value proposition that is more strategically aligned to seeing and seizing business innovation and growth opportunities that are directly related to one’s cultural, gender, sexual-orientation and societal identity. ERGs must become more deliberate in how to enable unique thinking into different points of view and perspectives that translate into solutions to meet corporate growth objectives and initiatives across channels, brands and business units.

Beyond the call of duty to impact and influence organizational business goals, ERGs must remain continually focused on building a talent pipeline, increasing representation and inclusiveness (that includes expanding the role of executive sponsors), and advancing their employer of choice efforts.

To address these issues and others, ERGs are now being utilized to advance affinity awareness and best practices via cross-collaboration amongst ERGs within the organizations they serve and externally with other organizations – so that collectively and together ERGs can advance their goals and objectives.

Erg Responsibilities

Consider these two questions as you and your organization make the commitment to enable your ERG into a powerful advancement platform where talent and business development interconnect and build upon one another:

  • How can your ERG better influence corporate growth and unlock opportunities for business by giving its members a voice?
  • How can your ERG be more strategic about how to positively impact the recruitment, engagement and building of a workplace culture that is most favorable to the changing face of America and that represents the fastest growing workforce communities?

Here are 7 ways to enable your employee resource groups into a powerful advancement platform:

1. Your ERG members must trust themselves and each other to most effectively lead and work together. This will increase engagement and collaboration, expand cross collaboration with other ERGs inside and outside of the organization, and elevate best practices.

2. Your ERG must define the value proposition for its existence and how performance will be measured and monitored. This will help further define the business case for diversity and how your organization’s talent pipeline and business development efforts will be heavily influenced by the rapidly changing face of your workforce, clients and consumers.

3. Your ERG must serve as a cultural competency engine to fuel better intelligence for the executive team who may not always be as informed as they should be. Members must become “thought leaders” and their voices must be given the opportunity to be heard to help cultivate business innovation and growth opportunities.

Employee responsibility in the workplace

What Are Hazmat Drivers Erg Responsibilities

4. Your ERG must expand its Executive Sponsorship and accountability roles. Executive sponsors must become more active, informed and engaged to help your ERG become an advancement platform. Equally, mentoring opportunities and protocols within the ERG must be more clearly defined. Sponsors and mentors are critical to define the impact and influence of the ERG as a group and for its members to get discovered and their voices heard.

5. Your ERG must commit itself to educating those members whose affinity may be different – whether it be cultural, gender, sexual-orientation or societal identity – than the rest of its members in the ERG and from those within other ERGs and throughout the organization. When all employees feel comfortable it enables them to perform at their highest levels outside their ERG as well as outside the organization, including strategic relationships and CSR initiatives.

6. Your ERG must be able to define and cultivate strategic relationships internally and externally with key groups and individuals whose expertise and voices help accelerate ERG goals and support business growth outcomes.

7. Your ERG must become a part of corporate governance to assure the utmost levels of accountability and compliance from its members and executive sponsors. This assures that your ERG assumes greater responsibility to corporate growth and talent development.

Employee resources groups have become a “hot-topic” in corporations as new global business models require the representation of a more diverse talent pipeline in director level and senior executive management roles. In the United States alone, 54% of the population will be minority by 2050.

Unfortunately, the changing face of America is being met with tremendous resistance. The old guard is uncomfortable with today’s demographic shift; it represents uncertainty and change for those who are uninformed about what diversity means to enabling business growth. Perhaps this is why America’s global competitiveness ranking has declined in recent years. Cultural competenceis a business imperative that can no longer be ignored and employee resource groups must serve as the engine to make us all smarter about the future that awaits.

Email or follow-me on Twitter @GlennLlopis. Like us on Facebook! Learn more about how to develop and engage your employee resource groups at our new Hispanic Training Center.

Issaouane Erg, Algeria (31°11′N7°56′E / 31.18°N 7.93°E)
Linear Dunes, Namib Sand Sea

An erg (also sand sea or dune sea, or sand sheet if it lacks dunes) is a broad, flat area of desert covered with wind-swept sand with little or no vegetative cover.[1] The term takes its name from the Arabic word ʿarq (عرق), meaning 'dune field'.[2] Strictly speaking, an erg is defined as a desert area that contains more than 125 km2 (48 sq mi) of aeolian or wind-blown sand[3] and where sand covers more than 20% of the surface.[2] Smaller areas are known as 'dune fields'. The largest hot desert in the world, the Sahara, covers 9 million square kilometres (3.5×106 sq mi) and contains several ergs, such as the Chech Erg (24°34′N2°35′W / 24.57°N 2.59°W) and the Issaouane Erg (31°11′N7°56′E / 31.18°N 7.93°E) in Algeria.[4] Approximately 85% of all the Earth's mobile sand is found in ergs that are greater than 32,000 km2 (12,355 sq mi).[5] Ergs are also found on other celestial bodies, such as Venus, Mars, and Saturn's moon Titan.

  • 2Extraterrestrial ergs


Erg Chebbi, Morocco (31°10′N3°59′W / 31.17°N 3.98°W)

Ergs are concentrated in two broad belts between 20° to 40°N and 20° to 40°S latitudes, which include regions crossed by the dry, subsiding air of the trade winds. Active ergs are limited to regions that receive, on average, no more than 150 mm of annual precipitation.[2] The largest are in northern and southernAfrica, central and westernAsia, and Central Australia. In South America, ergs are limited by the Andes Mountains, but they do contain extremely large dunes in coastal Peru and northwestern Argentina. They are also found in several parts of the northeast coast of Brazil. The only active erg in North America is in the Gran Desierto de Altar (31°57′N114°08′W / 31.95°N 114.14°W) that extends from the Sonoran Desert in the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora to the Yuma Desert of Arizona and the Algodones Dunes of southeastern California. An erg that has been fixed by vegetation forms the Nebraska Sandhills (42°08′N102°11′W / 42.13°N 102.19°W).

Satellite image of Rub' al Khali (Arabia's Empty Quarter), the world's largest erg with an area of more than 600,000 km2 (230,000 sq mi)[6] (20°N50°E / 20°N 50°E)

Sand seas and dune fields generally occur in regions downwind of copious sources of dry, loose sand, such as dry riverbeds and deltas, floodplains, glacial outwash plains, dry lakes, and beaches. Almost all major ergs are located downwind from river beds in areas that are too dry to support extensive vegetative cover and are thus subject to long-continued wind erosion. Sand from these abundant sources migrates downwind and builds up into very large dunes where its movement is halted or slowed by topographic barriers to windflow or by convergence of windflow. Entire ergs and dune fields tend to migrate downwind as far as hundreds of kilometers from their sources of sand. Such accumulation requires long periods of time. At least one million years is required to build ergs with very large dunes, such as those on the Arabian Peninsula, in North Africa, and in central Asia.[7] Sand seas that have accumulated in subsiding structural and topographic basins, such as the Murzuk Sand Sea (25°54′N13°54′E / 25.90°N 13.90°E) of Libya, may attain great thicknesses (more than 1000 m[8]) but others, such as the ergs of linear dunes in the Simpson Desert(24°57′S137°25′E / 24.95°S 137.42°E) and Great Sandy Desert (19°42′S122°37′E / 19.70°S 122.62°E) of Australia, may be no thicker than the individual dunes superposed on the alluvial plain. Within sand seas in a given area, the dunes tend to be of a single type. For example, there are ergs or fields of linear dunes, of crescentic dunes, of star dunes, and of parabolic dunes, and these dune arrays tend to have consistent orientations and sizes.[9][10]

By nature, ergs are very active. Smaller dunes form and migrate along the flanks of the larger dunes and sand ridges. Occasional precipitation fills basins formed by the dunes; as the water evaporates, salt deposits are left behind.

Individual dunes in ergs typically have widths, lengths, or both dimensions greater than 500 m (1,600 ft).[2] Both the regional extent of their sand cover and the complexity and great size of their dunes distinguish ergs from dune fields. The depth of sand in ergs varies widely around the world, ranging from only a few centimeters deep in the Selima Sand Sheet of Southern Egypt, to approximately 1 m (3.3 ft) in the Simpson Desert, and 21–43 m (69–141 ft) in the Sahara. This is far shallower than ergs in prehistoric times were. Evidence in the geological record indicates that some Mesozoic and Paleozoic ergs reached a mean depth of several hundred meters.[11]

Extraterrestrial ergs[edit]

Dunes at the edge of the 35 × 65 km dark dune field in Proctor Crater, Mars[12] (Mars Global Surveyor, 2000)

Ergs are a geological feature that can be found on planets where an atmosphere capable of significant wind erosion acts on the surface for a significant period of time, creating sand and allowing it to accumulate.Today at least three bodies, apart from Earth, are known in the solar system to feature ergs on their surface: Venus, Mars and Titan.


At least two ergs have been recognized by the Magellan probe on Venus: the Aglaonice dune field, which covers approximately 1,290 km2 (500 sq mi), and the Meshkenet dune field (~17,120 km2 or 6,600 sq mi).[13] These seem to be mostly transverse dune fields (with dune crests perpendicular to prevailing winds).


Mars shows very large ergs, especially next to the polar caps, where dunes can reach a considerable size.[14] Ergs on Mars can exhibit strange shapes and patterns, due to complex interaction with the underlying surface and wind direction.


Radar images captured by the Cassini spacecraft as it flew by Titan in October 2005 show sand dunes at Titan's equator much like those in deserts of Earth. One erg was observed to be more than 930 miles (1,500 km) long.[15] Dunes are a dominant landform on Titan. Approximately 15-20% of the surface is covered by ergs with an estimated total area of 12–18 million km2 making it the largest dune field coverage in the solar system identified to date.[16]

The sand dunes are believed to be formed by wind generated as a result of tidal forces from Saturn on Titan's atmosphere. The images are evidence that these dunes were built from winds that blow in one direction before switching to another and then back to the first direction and so on, causing the sand dunes to build up in long parallel lines. These tidal winds combined with Titan's west-to-east zonal winds create dunes aligned west-to-east nearly everywhere except close to mountains, which alter wind direction.

The sand on Titan might have formed when liquid methane rained and eroded the ice bedrock, possibly in the form of flash floods. Alternatively, the sand could also have come from organic solids produced by photochemical reactions in Titan's atmosphere.[17]

See also[edit]

  • Aeolian processes – Processes due to wind activity
  • Blowout (geomorphology) – Depressions in a sand dune ecosystem caused by the removal of sediments by wind
  • Desert pavement – A desert surface covered with closely packed, interlocking angular or rounded rock fragments of pebble and cobble size.
  • Yardang – A streamlined aeolian landform


  1. ^'Issaouane Erg, Algeria'. NASA Earth Observatory. Archived from the original on 2006-10-01. Retrieved 2006-05-18.
  2. ^ abcd'Summary: Sand Seas/Ergs/Dune Fields'. Desert Guide. United States Army Corps of Engineers. Retrieved 2006-05-18.[permanent dead link]
  3. ^Parrish, Judith Totman (2001). Interpreting Pre-Quaternary Climate from the Geologic Record. Columbia University Press. p. 166. ISBN978-0-231-10207-0.
  4. ^Spector, Christy (September 24, 2001). 'Soil Forming Factors'. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Archived from the original on 2006-08-28. Retrieved 2006-05-18.
  5. ^Cooke, Ronald U.; Warren, Andrew (1973). Geomorphology in deserts. University of California Press. p. 322. ISBN978-0-520-02280-5.
  6. ^Middleton, Nick (2009). Deserts: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. p. 53. ISBN978-0-19-160983-1.
  7. ^Wilson, I. 1971. Desert sandflow basins and a model for the development of ergs. Geographical Journal, v. 137, Pt. 2, pp. 180–199.
  8. ^Glennie, K. W. 1970. Desert sedimentary environments: Developments in sedimentology 14, Enclosure 4. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Co.
  9. ^Breed, C. S., and T. Grow. 1979. Morphology and distribution of dunes in sand seas observed by remote sensing. In A study of global sand seas, edited by E. D. McKee. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1052, pp. 253–302.
  10. ^Breed, C. S., S. G. Fryberger, S. Andrews, C. K. McCauley, F. Lennartz, D. Gebel, and K. Horstman. 1979. Regional studies of sand seas using Landsat (ERTS) imagery. In A study of global sand seas, edited by E.D. McKee. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1052, pp. 305–397.
  11. ^Pye, Kenneth; Tsoar, Haim (2009). Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes. Springer. p. 155. ISBN978-3-540-85909-3.
  12. ^Fenton, L. K. (2005). 'Seasonal Movement of Material on Dunes in Proctor Crater, Mars: Possible Present-Day Sand Saltation'(PDF). Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI (2005).
  13. ^Greeley, R., et al. (1992), Aeolian features on Venus: Preliminary Magellan results, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(E8), 13,319–13,345.
  14. ^Britt, Robert Roy (2003-11-10). 'Sand Dunes on Mars Reach Dizzying Heights'. Archived from the original on 2006-03-07.
  15. ^Stiles, Lori (2006-05-04). 'Titan's Seas Are Sand'. UA News. University of Arizona.
  16. ^Bourke, Mary C.; Nick Lancaster; Lori K. Fenton; Eric J. R. Parteli; James R. Zimbelman; Jani Radebaugh (2010). 'Extraterrestrial dunes: An introduction to the special issue on planetary dune systems'. Geomorphology. Elsevier B.V. 121: 1–14. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.04.007.
  17. ^Goudarzi, Sara (2006-05-04). 'Saharan Sand Dunes Found on Saturn's Moon Titan'.

Hazmat Driver's Erg Responsibilities

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