T25 Speed 1.0 Full Video

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  2. Focus T25 Speed 1.0 Full Workout Video
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T25 Speed 1.0 Full Video

Focus T25 Alpha Speed 1.0 Full Video

To see videos we really, REALLY love. T25's 2016's Reel. T25 Films 887 plays. Bloomberg Media - Macao Government Tourism Office - 60” Macao Beyond.

Product Description

Shaun T’s Focus T25 Workout – Introductory Video:

Details of full Videos / Workouts:

* Cardio: 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio. >> [Click to watch / download]
* Speed 1.0: Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.
* Total Body Circuit: Focus on strength and resistance—without lifting a single weight.
* AB Intervals: Cardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection.
* Lower Focus: Focus on your lower-body muscles—the key to burning fat.
* Stretch: 25-minute, muscle-relaxing flexibility routine.

* Core Cardio: This progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast.
* Speed 2.0: Rev it all the way up with Shaun’s calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
* Rip’t Circuit: Cardio…upper body…legs…abs…repeat! This is how you get ripped in 25 minutes.
* Dynamic Core: You’ll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
* Upper Focus: Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.
* Core Speed: Non-stop drills that specifically tighten and strengthen every muscle throughout your core.

* The Pyramid: Accelerate your reps as time progresses. This is your 25-minute cardio and strength endurance test.
* Rip’t Up: Strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest with Shaun’s 360° upper-body moves.
* Speed 3.0:Faster pace. More sweat. Serious results. You won’t want to miss this 25-minute high-speed challenge.
* Extreme Circuit: Build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time! In this one, the weights never leave your hands. Not even for the warm-up.

* Focus T25 Workout Calendar[Click to view / download]
* Quick Start Guide[Click to view / download]
* Nutrition Guide[Click to view / download]
* 5 Day Fast Track[Click to view / download]

Congrats on getting started…
The first video is free: AlphaCardio>> [Click to watch / download]

Note: Prices are in US Dollars (USD $).
All the products are virtual (digital) products, downloadable from the specific given sites’ links.

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Immediately after your purchase, link(s) will be emailed to you from which you can download the videos.
All sales are final and no refunds will be issued. So, the Videos should not be misunderstand as physical products.

Focus T25 Speed 1.0 Full Workout Video

This is my Focus T25 Workout Review Day 16 Speed 1.0: Hey guys sorry it’s been a couple days since my last blog. I’ve still been working out but haven’t got a chance to update you on my progress. At this point I have really started to make fitness a part of my lifestyle. I’ve been eating healthier… for example eating apples, bananas, grilled-chicken salads, and drinking lots of water. Been cutting back on my alcohol intake except for the weekends. I’m finally starting to see some definition on my arms and shoulders. YES!

This is perfect time leading into the summer season. My goal is get into decent shape by July so I can finally spend time at the pool without feeling embarrassed. If you’re beginning on this journey… it will be tough for the first week. But, just stick with it because your body does get use to it. At this point, I’m starting to adopt other fitness routines into my days. Some days I’ll go play basketball with my son, or go take a walk when I don’t feel like working out.

Focus T25 Workout Review Day 16 Speed 1.0

If you’ve been following my blog from the beginning you would know that Speed 1.0 is my favorite workout routine from T25. I will say that this workout is starting to get too easy and I’m ready for something new and more challenging. I guess that’s a good thing as my body is telling me that I’m making progress. I don’t need to step on a scale to know that my fitness is improving. I can simply feel the difference.

This is a good feeling that I’ve been lacking for many years. I have a sense of renewal and self-confidence in myself. I’m glad that I didn’t give up when things got tough. Keep in mind I’ve been working out on and off for the past couple weeks. I haven’t been able to follow the schedule exactly as the program requires, but I’m working out at least 3 days a week.

I think if I had maintained the 5 day a week workout I would see quicker results. But, I’m not focused on fast results but rather adopting fitness into a lifestyle habit. In the past I would go “full-throttle” and eventually burn out by week 1 or 2. This time I’m pacing myself and listening to my body. On days that I’m too sore to workout. I take a break to allow my body to repair itself. I don’t feel too much pressure and don’t beat myself up when I miss a day. I just remind myself to get back on the saddle and workout the next day. Alright guys keep it going!

T25 Speed 1.0 Full Video Free


Oh I forgot to mention that Beachbody finally released Streaming workout videos!!! HOLY-COW!!! It’s about time. I know alot of you have been asking for this for quite some time. You can get a Free Team Beachbody Account to get started with it. Click here to check it out.