What Does Invalid Mime Type Mean

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In the AngularJS docu you can see the following default header added to each request:

  1. Invalid MIME Type for PDFs I am trying to upload PDF's to the content area of the website as a link which use to work. However, when I browse for the PDF file and upload it to the site, I receive the message of 'Invalid MIME Type'.
  2. However, when I browse for the PDF file and upload it to the site, I receive the message of 'Invalid MIME Type'. I have checked the allowed files in the Config.xml, and PDFs are set. Does anyone have this issue as well with Magento Version

I couldn't find what * / * means but I suppose it means ANY MIME TYPE.Am I right? Sorry for the dumb question, but I couldn't find it explained anywhere..

Php file upload - invalid MIME type? Ask Question 0. I have a script that uploads a file. It checks the mime-type (should be audio file) and then uploads it. The type seems to be recognized but it gives an 'invalid file' output. Am I missing something obvious? What does the permission string lrwxrwxrw mean?

Many thanks.


3 Answers

Yes. From the HTTP specification:

'The asterisk * character is used to group media types into ranges, with '*/*' indicating all media types'

You can read the whole spec in RFC 7231.


Invalid Mime Content Outlook Mac

* / * actually is invalid; whitespace is not allowed here (and it was actually a bug in the angular documentation)

*/* however indeed means 'any', see RFC 7231, Section 5.3.2 (https://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc7231.html#rfc.section.5.3.2.p.2)

Julian ReschkeJulian Reschke

Yes, it means all mime types. As you can see at HTTP 1.1 Standards.

The asterisk '*' character is used to group media types into ranges, with '*/*' indicating all media types and 'type/*' indicating all subtypes of that type. The media-range MAY include media type parameters that are applicable to that range.


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Outlook Invalid Mime Content

How-To Geek Forums / Microsoft Office

I have a contact that keeps sending me email and I get it in mime format. The same person sends the same email to another person and they can see the email in a normal format.

How do I correct this problem so that Outlook 2003 will open these emails in another format other than mime? I have looked and looked and can not find anything about making changes to Outlook to correct this problem.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet Standard that extends the format of e-mail to support. Try going to your options and looking at the blocked files list.


Further clarification. I do get/receive these emails but they are in the mime format I do not want to see all of the mime format. I want to be able to read/view it just like any other email i receive.

I have been reccommending http://tuneup.com to a lot of people recently. Perhpas there is a setting there which can help you?

I'm trying to learn how to play piano but I like this program and don't wanna shell out 30 bucks for it. I've searched online but all the ways are just sketchy af youtube videos. Unlock Is there a way to crack it without getting a virus?


@michael: I just went to http://tuneup.com to see what it was and it appears to just be a bunch of ads to me.


@Jmoo: What is it you don't want to see?
Is it a formating thing, are you see colors or fonts you don't want?

jd2066 - site is down at the moment.

Hmm. Yeah - in stationery options there should be an option for formatting, so check there.

Edit: My bad, forgot the hyphen: http://www.tune-up.com/


This is what I am seeing on the emails that I recieve.

Delivered-To: ???????????????????
Return-Path: <??????????????>
Received: from psmtp.com ([::ffff:])
by mail14.cableone.net with esmtp; Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:33:36 -0700
id 011E251E.472EC750.00007F6D
Received: from source ([????]) by exprod6mx16.postini.com ([?????]) with SMTP;
Mon, 05 Nov 2007 02:29:06 EST
Received: from hotmail.com ([????????]) by bay0-omc1-s25.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);
Sun, 4 Nov 2007 23:29:05 -0800
Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC;
Sun, 4 Nov 2007 23:29:05 -0800
Message-ID: <BAY119-DAV17A742C7CF256BC4D6B224D5880@phx.gbl>
Received: from ????????? by BAY119-DAV17.phx.gbl with DAV;
Mon, 05 Nov 2007 07:29:05 +0000
X-Originating-IP: [????????????]
X-Originating-Email: [?????????????]
X-Sender: ??????????????
From: ???????????????????
Subject: Senators vote on English
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 00:29:02 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.3138
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.3198
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Nov 2007 07:29:05.0909 (UTC) FILETIME=[8BEE6A50:01C81F7D]
Old-Return-Path: ????????????
X-pstn-levels: (S: 0.02013/97.63965 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

It seems you may be missing support for MIME.

6 (Original Television Soundtrack)) • YouTube ได้รับอนุญาตจาก • I-One Korea (ในนามของ (주)블렌딩) และสมาคมจัดเก็บค่าลิขสิทธิ์เพลง 1 แห่ง • • แสดงเพิ่มเติม แสดงน้อยลง. 5 (Original Television Soundtrack) (The Player Pt. 5 (Original Television Soundtrack)) • YouTube ได้รับอนุญาตจาก • I-One Korea (ในนามของ (주)블렌딩) และสมาคมจัดเก็บค่าลิขสิทธิ์เพลง 1 แห่ง • • • เพลง • • ศิลปิน • 남태현 (South Club) • อัลบั้ม • 플레이어 Pt. Download ost drama korea dots. • หมวดหมู่ • • เพลง • • ศิลปิน • 헤이맨 (Hey Men) • อัลบั้ม • 플레이어 Pt. 6 (Original Television Soundtrack) (The Player Pt.


That is odd. Those appear to email headers and you shouldn't be seeing them as part of the message.
Follow the steps in http://email.about.com/cs/outlooktips/qt/et011302.htm to view the real message headers. Do they match the ones in the message?

I went to that site and did as follows:
View All Message Headers in Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003
To display all of a message's headers lines in Outlook 2000 to Outlook 2003:

Open the message in a new window in Outlook.
Select View Options.. from the message's menu.
All header lines appear under Internet Headers at the bottom of the dialog that comes up.

The headers are the same. Do you see why I am at a lost in trying to figure out what is going on? All other emails that I get are fine. This is the only sender that I have a problem with. The same email sent to several people is ok except the one I get???????????

Sence the headers are the same all I can guess is a bug in Outlook.
You can try downloading all the latest updates for Office 2003 to see if it helps.
The latest Service Pack (SP3) is at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=E25B7049-3E13-433B-B9D2-5E3C1132F206&displaylang=en
You can also goto Microsoft Update at http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate
It's just like Windows Update only it also updates Office and other Microsoft products, you can get SP3 and any other available Office updates there.

Hi, I would love to know if this worked - i am getting the same problem and its driving me CRAZY as its on my boss' PC :(

I have this same issue with MIME e-mails and someone suggested it may be a bug in Vista. Does anyone know if this might be the problem and/or if there's a solution?

Mime types

I have had this same problem ever since going on Vista. Never had the problem before. I have SP1 loaded for Vista as well as being up-to-date on Office and still have the issue. Seems to be messages from some Apple computers and Thurderbird clients. After header and message content, I get a content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT with formating all through the message body. Also, if pictures/images included I get pages (2300 in the one I am looking at) of code. If I review message on webmail or Thunderbird, message is fine. It is just Outlook 2003, SP3, that it is messed up. jim b

I had many emails open in the mime format on my new laptop, very frustrating, I corrected it like this:
-Open outlook
-open tools
-open options
-open mail format
-under 'comose in message formate choose' HTML

I just tried the steps mentioned above and the emails don't change. This only happens with emails from one person. Any other suggestions?
(I'm not on vista, I have a pc, and I have outlook 2003)

Mine look like this:

Subject: Attachments
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:22:31 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary='----=_NextPart_000_3af1_1b57_5e90'
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Jun 2008 17:22:35.0540 (UTC) FILETIME=[39966540:01C8D7B1]

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/html; format=flowed

<html><div><DIV class=RTE></DIV>
<P>Ok, here are the attachments..</P>
<P>Pray for me as I am not very PC savvy - obviously!! <IMG height=19 src='http://graphics.hotmail.com/i.p.emsmiled.gif' width=19><BR><BR><BR>DeDe Williams </P>
<DIV></DIV>612-483-2188 (cell)

Content-Type: application/msword; name='SCC Ladies Mtg. Invite.doc'
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='SCC Ladies Mtg. Invite.doc'


(this goes on for a long time, and then the email ends like this)


I had the html setting already. Doesn't help. Something in Vista I think is causing it. My messages often look the same as above in Outlook but they display fine in Webmail or Thunderbird.

The html setting is for outgoing email and doesn't seem to be relevant.

I have exactly this problem after moving Outlook 2003 to Vista. The problem is confusingly identified in this forum, actually the issue is that mime format messages are not being displayed, not that ordinary messages are being displayed in mime format. This is often revealed in the lines and lines of header text in the message e.g. 'This is a MIME-formatted message. If you see this text it means that your
E-mail software does not support MIME-formatted messages.'

I have checked all my Outlook settings in vista against those in XP where I did not have the problem, they are exactly the same. I conculude it is a microsoft screwup.

Even more odd is that if you actually intercept the message on the web e.g. at your ISPS mail web page, and forward it to yourself, then download all messages into outlook, you get the orginal one screwed up and the forwarded one works fine. This indicates to me it is microsoft singling out other email software (Eudora are the ones I have seen affected by it) for deliberate discrimination. Like they still do to Adobe, allegedly.

Edited by mod.


Invalid Mime Type Detected

The problem seems to be fixed. I don't seem to have the problem any more.

This is a problem introduced by Microsoft with Vista.

It is such an obvious con. Its yet another deliberate flaw and one Microsoft do not intend to fix until someone (like me) finds them out.

Microsoft claim that even after 2 years, they still cannot replicate this error - thats because they wont install Thunderbird or Lotus Notes to do it. It cannot be replicated by sending email from Outlook. This issue goes to the heart of the paranoid hostility Microsoft shows towards any company that dares to threaten its market position.

Simply put, in some email clients such as Thunderbird and Lotus Notes, if the TO: field of an email is left blank (by using BCC) the senders email client auto-populates the otherwise blank TO: field with the malformed email address 'undiscosed-recipients:;' prior to sending the email. This is technically a fault with the senders email client.

The MIME decoding in Vista (used by Outlook 2003) has been changed since XP to reject this and in a manner Outlook 2003 does not expect. Outlook then simply assumes the email is in plain text ie - not MIME format.

The fix is to ask your Thunderbird or Lotus Notes user sending the BCC email to populate the TO field with their own email address. Tell them that if they leave TO: blank when sending using BCC, all Outlook/Vista recipients wont be able to read thier email. That's usually enough.

Word I have from the inside is that Microsoft will continue to try to dishonestly claim they cannot replicate this fault because they do not want to fix it. They deliberately introduced the fault in Vista as a ploy to get Outlook 2003 users to upgrade to Outlook 2005 (etc). They believe its subtle enough that it wont be put down to any deliberate act by them. Using these sorts of unethical ploys and scams are the same way Microsoft have been conning people for the last 30 years to make Bill Gates and his cronies obscenely and filthy stinking rich. They just put a few little bugs here and there to annoy the living *** out of you, and then say 'hey look - its fixed in the new version!'. People buy it because they have no choice - like drug addicts to a drug dealer they just keep going back again and again and again.

Wake up to it ! Demonstrate your dissatisfaction and demand tha Microsoft fix Outlook 2003 in Vista and they be prosecuted by Federal authorities over this for a monumental fraud.

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